The Board of Directors

The Association is made up of an Executive and Board of Directors

AYC elects its executive every two years during its Annual General Meeting.  Any elected official may run for a position on the Executive.

AYC’s Board of Directors is comprised of representatives appointed from all of its member communities, with the exception of the City of Whitehorse which has two representatives. 

Yukon unincorporated areas sit as Associate Members in the Association.  These members bring along a valuable insight to the more rural concerns of the Territory.  Associate Members may select one elected official amongst all of its Local Advisory Councils (LAC), combined, as its represented appointee to the AYC Board and be entitled to one vote. 

Here are our current Board of Directors:


Councillor Lauren Hanchar

1st Vice President:
Councillor Doris Hansen

2nd Vice President:
CouncillorDan Boyd

Member at Large:
Mayor Gord Curran 



Village of Carmacks
Councillor Tara Wheeler
 Alternate: Councillor Dennis Mitchell

City of Dawson:
Councillor Justine Hobbs

Town of Faro:
Councillor Gary Jones
Alternate: Mayor Jack Bowers

Village of Haines Junction:
Mayor Diane Strand
Alternate: Councillor Debbie Busche

Village of Mayo:
Councillor Chelsea Dolan

Village of Teslin:
Councillor Robert Hassard
Alternate: Councillor Jeff Myke

Town of Watson Lake:
Councillor Denina Paquette

City of Whitehorse
CouncillorPaolo Gallina
CouncillorEileen Melnychuk

LAC Representative:
CouncillorKevin Kennedy
Alternate: Councillor Walter Latour


Hamlet of Mount Lorne:
Chair - Councillor Etienne Tardif 
Deputy Chair - Councillor Jess Sellers

Marsh Lake Local Advisory Council:
Chair TBD

South Klondike Advisory Council:
Chair - Councillor Colleen James 
Co-Chair - Councillor Marg Blewett

Tagish Local Advisory Council:
Co-Chair - Councillor Anne Kinsey-Jansen
Co-Chair - Councillor Cheryl Goulet

Hamlet of Ibex Valley:
Chair TBD